Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Houses of Silver City

Round architecture again. I like the bay windows as well.

This is my favorite house by far. I love the color and the huge wrap-around porch. It's right by the school so I see it almost everyday.Different Angle of my Favorite house. Lets you see the porch better. I see the people in this house always on the porch. Always cooking out or just sitting and enjoying the evening. That's why I want a house like this. They've actually done a lot of work on it. That rot iron fence is new and it gives the house just the right touch.

This house is a little bit older but still I love the porch. I also love the homemade wind chimes hanging on the porch.

I don't know what it is about this house, but I like it. I like the balcony on the second story. I also like the round front with bay windows.
Well I'm done with my dorky architecture schpeal(spell?) Now don't you want to come visit Silver City to see all these great houses? Yeah, I thought so.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Why Do I still feel Bad?!
But in happier news I get to go home on Friday and I am OH sooo Excited! Yay for a week of family and fun in Farmington. Not to mention all the Yummy food for Thanksgiving. Plus TWlight comes out this Friday and that is an event in and of itself! I had a dream about Vampires and Werewolves. Obviously way too involved. But that's me and that's how excited I am!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Lots to do
This morning I had to wake up at like 730, because I had to take my Teacher Competency Test at 8. I just got done and I think I actually did pretty well. I feel really good about it.
Unfortunately I only have a little break, because now I've got to head back over to the Stake Center for the rest of the YSA activity. But I have to leave somewhere in the middle because my Roomies 1st Home Basketball game is at 2. I made a sign and everything Gotta go support my Lady Mustangs!! I want to help everyone, but I don't want to disappoint anyone either. So hopefully all goes well.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Get down with the Sickness
I've got homework to do(Oh Joy!) so I'm gonna work on that while I feel a little better, because who knows when my health is going to go downhill.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My Birthday!

I had a pretty fun night for the most part. Here are some other pics from my fun bday night!