Monday, May 9, 2011

A Rodent??

So Charlie and I recently made a purchase... An animal purchase. We bought...a mouse. Yes, that's right, a mouse. A cute little black and white mouse. We named it Jerby. Jessica and Kerby. :)

I have alot of fun just holding him(or her. I'm not sure exactly how to tell the sex on a mouse) He crawls on my hands and sniffs alot. Charlie has ALOT of fun playing with him. He'll hold him and talk to him saying things like, "Hey Jerby, hey buddy. I'm your Papa. What are you doing, huh?" Things like that. We also bought Jerby a little ball that he likes to run around in. At first he didn't know what to do, but now he's always running around all over the apartment. It's so cute. NO matter what anyone says, I like having a mouse as a pet. :)

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